Individual Event 1: Barbell Complex
3 attempts for max load of:
3 cleans + 2 front squats + 1 jerk (shoulder-to-overhead)
Beginning with the first two athletes, lifters will have one minute to complete the complex. At the start of the next minute, the next two athletes will lift. When all athletes have completed their first attempt, the cycle repeats, starting with the first two lifters again. This sequence continues until all athletes are given three lifting windows.
Athletes may only take one attempt at the complex per lifting window. An attempt is considered to be started once the bar has left the ground for the first clean. Athletes may not re-attempt with the time remaining after a failed lift. As long as the bar has left the ground before the 1-minute lifting window ends, any successful attempt will count.
Additionally, athletes do not have to make an attempt during each lifting window. Athletes may choose to reduce the load on the bar for their next attempt after a failed lift. Athletes may not make practice attempts on platform prior to lifting window.
The athlete's best successful lift will be their score for the event.
Attempt 1
Min 0-1 = Lifters 1+2
Min 1-2= Lifters 3+4
Min 2-3 = Lifters 5+6
Min 3-4 = Lifters 7+8
Min 4-5 = Lifters 9+10
Attempt 2
Min 5-6 = Lifters 1+2
Min 6-7 = Lifters 3+4
Min 7-8 = Lifters 5+6
Min 8-9 = Lifters 7+8
Min 9-10 = Lifters 9+10
Attempt 3
Min 10-11 = Lifters 1+2
Min 11-12 = Lifters 3+4
Min 12-13 = Lifters 5+6
Min 13-14 = Lifters 7+8
Min 14-15 = Lifters 9+10
Equipment/Set-up Note:
Barbells on platforms will be preloaded to 225lb/100kg (men), 125lb/55kg (women).
Athletes will be allowed to begin loading their first attempt as soon as they have taken the comp-floor.
Lifters will be provided enough enough time to load their first attempt before their lifting window begins.
Movement Standards
Each rep begins with the barbell touching the floor.
The bar must be brought to the shoulder in one motion.
Power cleans, squat cleans, and split cleans are permitted.
Hang cleans are not allowed.
If the athlete’s knee touches the floor during the attempt, the rep will not count.
The rep is credited when:
The athlete’s hips and knees reach full extension and the bar is supported in the front-rack position.
The elbows must be in front of the bar when viewed from profile.
The athlete may NOT rest the barbell on the ground after each repetition.
Resting in the rack position is acceptable.
The athlete may regrip at the hang, but may not deliberately rest with the bar in the crease of the hip.
Deliberately bouncing the bar into the next rep will not count.
Front Squat
The front squat begins after completing the third rep of the clean.
At the bottom of the squat, the crease of the athlete’s hip must be clearly below the top of the knees.
The bar must remain in the front-rack position.
The hands do NOT need to remain on the bar. Any grip is permitted.
The rep is credited when:
The athlete’s hips and knees reach full extension while the bar is supported in the front-rack position.
Jerk (Shoulder-to-Overhead)
The jerk begins after completing the second rep of the front squat.
(The athlete does not have to pause at the top of the second front squat.)
A press, push press, push jerk, or split jerk are all permitted as long as the required finish position is achieved.
The rep is credited when:
The barbell is locked out overhead with the arms, hips, and legs fully extended.
The bar is over or slightly behind the center of the athlete’s body, with feet in line.
If the athlete fails the jerk and brings the barbell back to the rack position, the athlete may NOT reattempt the jerk. (Note: This is for athlete safety — we do not want to encourage risky re-racking of a failed lift to gain another attempt)
If the athlete crosses the threshold of the platform at any time it will be a no rep.
If the athlete drops the bar behind them at any time it will be considered a no rep.