Individual Event 2: Oregon Trail
For time:
30 Cal Echo bike
Tank Push 75’
30 Double Dumbbell Burpee Deadlift (50/35)
Tank Push 75’
20 Cal Echo bike
Tank Push 75’
20 Double Dumbbell Hang Snatch (50/35)
Tank Push 75’
10 Cal Echo bike
Tank Push 75’
10 Devil Press (50/35)
Time Cap: 12 minutes
This event begins with the athlete on the start mat. At the sound of the beep, the athlete will move to the Rogue Echo Bike and begin accumulating calories. When 30 calories have been accumulated the athlete will move to Tank and begin pushing towards the finish line. The athlete will be permitted to use the low bar handles only. When the athlete has pushed the tank completely across the designated line the athlete will move to the dumbbells and begin accumulating reps of double dumbbell burpee deadlifts. When 30 double dumbbell burpee deadlifts have been accumulated the athlete will move the dumbbells forward to the next designated section and then return to the Tank. The athlete will push back towards the start mat until the tank has completely crossed the designated line.
The athlete will move to the Rogue Echo Bike and begin accumulating calories. When 20 calories have been accumulated the athlete will move to Tank and begin pushing towards the finish line. When the athlete has pushed the tank completely across the designated line the athlete will move to the dumbbells and begin accumulating reps of double dumbbell hang snatches. When 20 double dumbbell hang snatches have been accumulated the athlete will move the dumbbells forward to the next designated section and then return to the Tank. The athlete will push back towards the start mat until the tank has completely crossed the designated line.
The athlete will move to the Rogue Echo Bike and begin accumulating calories. When 10 calories have been accumulated the athlete will move to the Tank and begin pushing towards the finish line. When the athlete has pushed the tank completely across the designated line the athlete will move to the dumbbells and begin accumulating reps of devil press. When 10 devil presses have been accumulated the athlete will move to the finish line.
When the athlete reaches the finish mat, time stops.
The athlete's score is his or her total time for completing the event.
Movement Standards
Echo Bike
The athletes may adjust the seat but not touch the monitor and must remain in the seat until the required calories are completed. The monitor will be reset between rounds.
Tank Push
The athlete will push the Torque Tank until all four wheels have crossed the designated line. The athlete may not pull or drag the Torque Tank. The Torque Tank must stay fully inside of the athletes lane. The athlete may not touch the magnetic lever on the Torque Tank. All 4 wheels of the Torque Tank must be on the floor at all times. The athlete will be permitted to use the low bar handles only.
Double Dumbbell Burpees Deadlifts
The rep begins with the athlete’s chest on the ground and hands on the DB handles. The athlete may step or jump their feet to standing. The DBs then are deadlifted until the athlete’s knees and hips are fully extended. The athlete’s hands must stay in contact with the dumbbell for the entire rep.
Double Dumbbell Hang Snatch
The athlete will deadlift the dumbbells to standing before initiating the first rep. The dumbbells will be brought down into the hang position above the level of the knees (either between or outside the legs) and brought overhead in one fluid motion. A clean and jerk will not be permitted. The rep is credited when the dumbbells are locked out overhead, with the hips, knees, and arms fully extended, both dumbbells directly over or slightly behind the middle of the body. Dropping DBs from overhead will result in a no rep.
Devil Press
Each rep begins with the athlete reaching a push up position with the hands in the grip position on both dumbbells, the chest making full contact with the ground, between the dumbbells. The dumbbells must be raised to an overhead position in one movement. The rep is credited when the dumbbells are locked out overhead, with the hips, knees, and arms fully extended, both dumbbells directly over or slightly behind the middle of the body. Hands must remain in contact with the dumbbells throughout the entire movement, including the burpee. A clean & jerk or any pause resulting in the dumbbells making contact with the body is not allowed.