Individual Event 4: Skiing With Karen
For time:
Concept2 SkiErg Calories
Wall Ball Shots (20/14) to 10’ Target
GHD Situps
80’ Handstand Walk (40’ unbroken sections)
Time Cap: 25 minutes
This event begins with the athlete on the start mat. At the sound of the beep, the athlete will move to the Concept2 SkiErg and begin accumulating calories. When 10 calories have been accumulated the athlete will move to the wall ball and begin accumulating reps of wall ball shots. When 10 wall ball shots have been accumulated the athlete will move to the GHD and begin accumulating reps of GHD situps. When 10 GHD situps have been accumulated the athlete will move to the line designating the start of the handstand walk. The athlete will move down the lane in a handstand walk until the athlete reaches the next yellow line. The athlete will then continue to move down the lane to the last yellow line designating the end of the Handstand Walk. The handstand walk must be completed in 40’ unbroken sections. The athlete will not be required to stop and come down after the first 40’. If the athlete comes down from the handstand between the yellow lines or leaves their lane they will be required to restart at the previous yellow line. When the athlete has reached the line designating the end of the handstand walk the athlete will move the chess piece forward and then run back down the lane and return to the Concept 2 Ski Erg. The athlete will follow the same pattern with an ascending rep scheme of 20 reps, 30 reps, 40 reps and finally 50 reps on each piece of equipment. After the final handstand walk the athlete will move to the finish line. When the athlete reaches the finish mat, time stops.
The athlete's score is his or her total time for completing the event.
Tiebreak will occur at the completion of round 4 and the completion of round 5.
At completion of round of 40 and 50 GHD situps time will be recorded.
Movement Standards
Concept2 SkiErg
The athlete may not touch the monitor and will be reset between each round. Both feet must be completely on the footpad and the athlete must stay on footpads until required number of calories are completed.
Wall Ball Shots
In the wall ball, the medicine ball must be taken from the bottom of a squat, hip crease passing clearly below the knee, and thrown to hit the specified target. The center of the ball must make contact with the target at or above the specified target height. If the ball hits below or does not hit the target it is a no rep. If the ball hits the ground it must come to a rest before initiating the next rep. Taking the ball from the rebound into the next rep is a no rep.
GHD Situps
Each rep begins and ends with the athlete seated at the top of the GHD with hands touching the foot pads. The athlete must touch the ground or designated riser with both hands before returning to the seated position. The touch on the ground or riser must be overhead, within the legs of the GHD, not to the side. The rep is credited when both hands return to the top and touch the foot pads.
Handstand Walk
The athlete must start with the hands (entire hand, including palm and fingers) behind the line denoting the start of the segment being attempted. If the athlete comes down at any time or exits their assigned lane, the athlete must restart from the last section completed. Hands may touch the line on either side of the lane but may not cross into the adjacent lane. Both hands, including palms and fingers, must clearly cross the yellow line to earn credit for that segment.