Team Event 2: Fury Road
For total distance lunged:
20 4-Way Synchro Wall Balls (30/20)
15 Worm Deadlifts
20 Worm Push Press
Worm lunge for distance in time remaining
*score is total distanced lunged (in 5’ increments)
Time Cap: 16 Minutes
This event will contain 4 intervals that are each 3 minutes long. Each interval will be separated by a 1 minute rest period.
This event begins with the team on the start mat (behind the rig). At the sound of the beep, all 4 team members will move to the wall ball station and begin accumulating repetitions of 4 way synchro wall ball shots. Upon completion of 20 synchro wall ball shots the team will move to the worm and will begin accumulating repetitions of worm deadlifts. Upon completion of 15 worm deadlifts the team will begin accumulating reps of worm push presses. Upon completion of 20 worm push presses the team will then begin lunging towards the rig with the worm. All 4 members of the team must start behind the yellow line. The team will lunge as far as possible in the time remaining on the clock. At the sound of the beep the team will drop the worm and move back to the start mat.
The team will follow this same pattern for three more rounds. The entire team must cross the designated yellow line nearest the rig before turning around. The entire team must also cross the designated line nearest the finish before turning around. The worm will face the same direction the entire workout with the front of the worm orientated towards the start line.
The team score is the total distance lunged in 5 foot increments.
Minimum Work Requirement
Teams will be required to complete the wallball and worm deadlift portions each round. Failure to complete will signal the end of the event for that team and they WILL NOT be able to continue in future rounds. All reps up to that point will be credited.
Movement Standards
Synchro Wall Ball Shots
The medicine ball must be taken from the bottom of a squat, hip crease passing clearly below the knee, and thrown to hit the specified target. The center of the ball must make contact with the target at or above the specified target height. If the ball hits below or does not hit the target it is a no rep. If the ball hits the ground it must come to a rest before initiating the next rep. Taking the ball from the rebound into the next rep is a no rep. The synchronization portion of the movement is when all four athletes are below parallel at the same time. Rep is credited once all four medicine balls have hit their targets.
Worm Deadlift
Starting at the floor, the worm is lifted until hips and knees reach full extension with the shoulders behind the worm. The arms must be straight throughout. All teammates must be on the same side of the worm. All teammates must be standing at full extension simultaneously to complete the rep. Straddling the worm is not allowed.
Worm Push Press
The rep begins with the worm on the same side shoulder for all four athletes. The worm will be brought overhead to the opposite shoulder using a press or push press. The rep is complete when the worm is on the opposite shoulder of all four athletes with knees, hips, and shoulders in alignment. The arms do not need to reach full extension when the worm is lifted overhead.
Worm Lunge
Forward motion will only be allowed while the worm is being supported on the same side shoulder of all four teammates. On each lunge, the trailing knee must make contact with the ground at the bottom. At the top of each step, the athletes must stand together with the hips and knees fully extended. If the knee does not touch the ground, or if the next step is initiated (or the weight is dropped) before fully standing up, the worm will need to be brought backward to where the previous step began. Credit will only be given for fully completed sections. Fully completed section will be defined as all 4 athletes fully across the line.