Team Event 5: Night at the Roxbury
For Time:
4 Rowers (30/24 cals)
20 Worm Squats
3 Rowers (30/24 cals)
20 Worm Squats
2 Rowers (30/24 cals)
20 Worm Squats
1 Rower (30/24 cals)
20 Worm Squats
***when not rowing, people at worm complete 20 Synchro Burpees over worm***
4 Rds:
20 Synchro T2B (all teammates facing same direction)
10 Worm Hang Power Cleans
Time Cap: 25 minutes
This event will contain 2 parts:
Part 1:
Round 1:
This event begins with all teammates on the rowers. . At the sound of the beep, all 4 team members will move to the Concept 2 Rower and begin. When each member has reached the required calories (30 for males and 24 for females) the team will then move to the worm and begin accumulating reps of worm squats. When 20 worm squats have been completed the team will move the worm forward 1 section (towards the start line) and then 3 members of the team will return to the Concept 2 Rower and 1 member of the team will stay at the worm.
Round 2:
The 3 athletes on the rower will again accumulate 30/24 calories. The 1 athlete at the worm will work to accumulate 20 burpees over the worm at the same time. Upon completion of the row and the burpees over the worm the athletes will all move to the worm to complete another 20 worm squats. When 20 worm squats have been completed the team will move the worm forward 1 section (towards the start line) and then 2 members of the team will return to the Concept 2 Rower and 2 members of the team will stay at the worm.
Round 3:
The 2 athletes on the Concept 2 Rowers will again accumulate 30/24 calories. The 2 athletes at the worm will work to accumulate 20 synchro burpees over the worm at the same time. Upon completion of the row and the burpees over the worm the athletes will all move to the worm to complete another 20 worm squats. When 20 worm squats have been completed the team will move the worm forward 1 section (towards the start line) and then 1 member of the team will return to the Concept 2 Rower and 3 members of the team will stay at the worm.
Round 4:
The 1 athlete on the rower will again accumulate 30/24 calories. The 3 athletes at the worm will work to accumulate 20 synchro burpees over the worm at the same time. Upon completion of the row and the burpees over the worm the athletes will all move to the worm to complete another 20 worm squats. When 20 worm squats have been completed the team will drop the worm and begin Part 2 of the workout.
NOTE: Once an athlete begins on the burpees, they are locked in to that for the remainder of the workout (they cannot switch back to the rowers in later rounds).
Part 2: 2 members of the team will move to the middle rig and begin accumulating reps of Synchro Toes to Bar and the other 2 members of the team will move to the Main rig and begin accumulating reps of Synchro Toes to Bar. All members of the team will face the finish line. When each pair has completed 20 Synchro Toes to Bar the team will move to the worm and begin accumulating reps of Hang Power Cleans. When 10 Worm Hang Power Cleans have been completed the team will move the worm forward one section (towards the finish line) and drop the worm. The team will follow the same pattern for 3 more rounds. At the completion of the fourth round the team will drop the worm and move to the finish line. When the team is on the finish mat together, time stops.
NOTE: The timing chip must be worn by the final member of the team to cross the finish line. Timing chip must be worn by female athlete at the back of the worm.
The team score is the total time for completing the event.
Tiebreak occurs at the completion of Part 1
Time of completion of the first part of the workout. TIme will be recorded when the last worm squat is completed.
Movement Standards
Concept 2 Rower
Athletes must remain on the rower until the display reads the required number of calories. The athlete may coast over the required work, but cannot get off the rower until they are past the calorie target. The athlete may adjust the damper setting and foot positions at any time during the row. Athletes may not touch the monitor at any time. Athletes will stay on the rower until all teammates have completed required calories.
Synchro Burpees Over Worm
The athletes can jump or step back to lie on the ground. The chests must touch the ground at the bottom AT THE SAME TIME for all athletes (this is the only syncro aspect that will be judged.) From this position, the athletes can step or jump to their feet. The athletes must all, then, jump over the worm with a two-foot takeoff. If any athlete makes contact with the worm with their feet or hands while jumping this will be a no-rep and all athletes will need to repeat that entire movement. If a no rep is given, the athletes will not need to go back to the original side they were no repped on.
Worm Squats
The worm squat starts with the worm on the same shoulder for all athletes. The hip crease must clearly pass below the top of the knees in the bottom position and the hips must come to full extension at the top. The synchro portion of this movement is at the bottom and top of the squat.
Worm Hang Power Cleans
This movement begins at the top of a worm deadlift with all 4 athlete's hips and knees fully extended and shoulders behind the worm. The worm may be brought down to the hang position, but may not be lowered below the knees. The worm will then be brought to the shoulder where the rep will be counted once it is on all four teammates shoulders simultaneously.
Synchro Toes to Bar
In the toes-to-bar, the athletes must go from a full hang to having the toes touch the pull-up bar. All feet must be in contact with the bar at the same time, inside the hands. The arms and hips must be fully extended at the bottom and the heels must be brought back behind the vertical plane bar before initiating the next rep. Any part of the shoe may touch the bar for the rep to count. The synchro portion of the movement is when both athletes have both all feet touching at the same time.