Team Event 6: Diddy Kong Racing

Relay F/M/F/M

For time:

12 Ring Muscleups

9 Deficit Handstand Pushups at (9”/6”)

6 Sandbag Bag to shoulder (200/150)

3 Squat Clean (275/185)

Time Cap: 14 minutes


This event begins with the team on the start mat (behind the rig). At the sound of the beep, the first female athlete will move the rings and begin accumulating reps of ring muscleups. Upon completion of 12 ring muscleups the athlete will move to the handstand pushup station and begin completing reps of deficit handstand pushups. Upon completion of 9 deficit handstand pushups the athlete will move to the sandbag  and begin accumulating reps of sandbag to shoulder.  Upon completion of 6 sandbag to shoulder the athlete will move to the barbell and begin accumulating reps of squat cleans. Upon completion of 3 squat cleans the athlete will move to the finish line. When the first female athlete reaches the finish line this will release the first male athlete to begin. The male athlete will follow the same pattern as above.

The order of the athletes is as follows:

Female 1

Male 1

Female 2

Male 2

When the team is on the finish mat together, time stops.

NOTE: The timing chip must be worn by the final member of the team to cross the finish line.  Timing chip must be worn by last Male athlete to complete the workout. 


The team score is the total time for completing the event.

Movement Standards

Deficit Handstand Pushups

  • The movement begins at the top of a handstand with the arms fully locked out, only the heels on the wall, and the hands placed clearly within the marked area. The palm and fingers of the hand must remain within the taped area. At the bottom of each rep, the head touches the target at the required depth. At the top of each rep, the arms return to fully locked out, butt off the wall, and heels on the wall inside the width of the hands. Kipping is allowed as long as the other requirements are met.

Ring Muscleups

  • The rep begins with a hang below the rings with arms fully extended (with or without a ‘false grip’) and the feet off the ground. At the top, elbows must be fully locked out while in a support position over the rings. Control must be shown at the top, pushing away from the rings before establishing lock out at the top will result in a no-rep. The athlete must pass through some form of a dip to reach lockout. Kipping the muscle-up is acceptable, but swings or rolls to support are not permitted. If consecutive kipping muscle-ups are performed, a change of direction below the rings is required. If the heels rise above the bottom of the rings during the kip, it is a no rep. Rings will be set at a fixed height, athletes may not adjust the height of the rings.

Sandbag to Shoulder

  • The sandbag will start on the ground where they will move it to their shoulder however they see fit. The athlete must be fully standing with the sandbag on their shoulder, showing full extension at both the knees and hips before dropping the sandbag. The athlete must always work within their box and facing the finish line.

Squat Clean

  • The barbell begins on the ground and must pass through a full squat in one continuous motion with hip crease below the level of the knees. The rep is credited once the athlete is standing tall with hips and knees at full extension and the elbows in front of the bar.